NuPUMAS is presently laid out to support four undergraduate students per year, although the existing resources make it easily scalable should more funding become available. The size of the minority student body interested in Physics at the four participating institutions is certainly large. The program tries to balance fair wages for the students, the experience of working at a laboratory, and being embedded in programs with strong minority support with, at the same time, minimizing the overhead to be spent on coordinators and teachers.
The anticipated skill set will range from basic programming skills, analysis and plot making, implementation and evaluation software, and detector and electronics expertise. These Physics-based knowledge components will be complemented by presentation and publication skills as well as confidence and community-building components, which can be applied at the small local level, all the way up through to the large international collaborations in which we work. The balance between fundamental and applied components of Particle Physics and interconnection with Nuclear Physics is emphasized throughout the program and will lead to well-rounded scientists.
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